Matching maids to employers based on their needs and suitability


Why Choose Psalm 23
Employment Agency?

We have been in this business for over two decades. With our busy lifestyle, we may not have the time to look after our children or the elderly, or to even keep our house neat and clean. Also, with the increasing number of employment agencies in Singapore, getting a maid is relatively easy. The question is - is she the right maid for you? Help is just a call away. We at Psalm 23 Employment Agency believe that it is important to match the right maid with the right employer. Backed by our experienced team, we will ensure that we find the right maid based on your needs. Service is our commitment to you.


Upfront and clear - to avoid misunderstanding and to manage expectations
Matching of Maids

Matching of Maids

Everyone’s circumstances and expectations are different, we strive to find you the right maid based on your needs.
Our Strategy

Our Strategy

Working hand and hand with you to ensure you get the right maid.


Our fees are not only transparent, but also competitive. No payment until agreed upon by both parties.

Get interest about our service function? Learn More

DALL·E 2024-12-24 21.11.59 - A professional and friendly image of a person suitable for an employment agency website. The person should appear confident and approachable, dressed

Who we are

Psalm 23 Employment Agency

Connecting Employers with Reliable Domestic Workers.

Strategic Partners

Our Strategic Partner are that special role of HR is success business.

Corporate Program

Corporate Programs are add HR advisers function to success business.
